
Sports tourism professionals...

Digital Camera

Pedagogical objectives

The courses have 3 objectives, developed through 5 cross-cutting skill areas:

Objective 1: Consolidate management fundamentals ;

Objective 2: Understand and understand sports tourism: players, issues and strategies ;

Objective 3: Enhance communication, marketing and management skills.

  • Skill area 1: Managing the activities of sports tourism businesses ;
  • Skill area 2: Managing people and resources. Adaptation and cross-functionality ;
  • Competence area 3: Ensure the quality of sports tourism services, both internally and for customers;
  • Skill area 4: Market sports tourism products and services in line with changes in society;
  • Competency axis 5: Communicate and market efficiently.2 internships help to put into practice what has been learned and create a professional network:

    Master 1: 280-hour internship

    Master 2: 700-hour internship

Targeted career opportunities and profiles:

The latest professional integration survey, carried out in 2016 among 103 graduates between 2009 and 2015, shows that 93% of students have a job after completing the Master 2 program. In addition, there are 6 entrepreneurs. The speed of professional integration is one of the strengths of the Master MTS.

Over 60% of former students say they are satisfied or very satisfied with their professional situation.

Future managers will exercise strategic and operational responsibilities in tourism and sports organizations in the private and public sectors:

  • Project manager or development manager in the "sending" or "receiving" sectors: tour operators, leisure resorts, vacation villages, open-air hotels, CDTs, host countries, communities of communes, regional nature parks, etc. ... ;
  • Business creator in the field of sports tourism;
  • Manager or department head in tourism and sports leisure service companies.

Science at the service of sports tourism...

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The Sports Tourism Services Management career path is supported by a number of teams working and researching in the fields of economics and management sciences.

The research work associated with this specialization is aimed at :

- the evolution and adaptation of organizations to change,
- the economic processes involved in setting up the sports tourism sector,
- the study of the sports services consumer.