University diplomas

Training Manager

Arnaud Roussel - Comiti Manager / Associate Lecturer
UFR STAPS - Université de Montpellier


This University diploma is part of the process of forging closer links between the University and the professional world, and more specifically in the acquisition of knowledge in club management.
Co-constructed by the UFR Staps, the continuing education department and the Comiti company, this diploma is open to students with a baccalaureate or equivalent.
Primarily designed to enhance the skills of volunteers, the diploma is also open to employees of sports organizations and top-level athletes wishing to prepare for a career change.
In this context, the diploma is a perfect complement to a state diploma.
It is also possible to access this diploma via a VAP.

DU Club Management brochure

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SUSPENDED until further notice

Training managers

consultant, Tendance Montagne professional coach

University of Montpellier

With the new Master 1 selection guidelines, a University Diploma (DU) is a solid alternative for a year of study, professionalization or reflection.

The "Mobility + Professionalization" scheme offered by the MS department of Montpellier's Ufr Staps responds to a twofold demand:
On the one hand, a demand from the socio-professional world, to hire young graduates with real experience of the world of work more quickly.
On the other hand, for students, the scheme enables them to suspend their course of study for a year (between two years of study) in order to carry out a personal professionalization project that they have prepared in advance.

The aim of the "mobility + professionalization" university diploma year is to acquire professional experience and/or refine one's professional project, in order to capitalize on experience that can be valued by future employers. It is also an opportunity for students to take a step back from their career path.

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20 Places: Application based on a portfolio and motivated project